Editorial Residency
Rádio Celeste
Denilson Baniwa entrevista Maial Paiakan
Entrevista na íntegra de Denilson Baniwa com Maial Paiakan no projeto Amazônia: Uma Residência Editorial
Postado em 05/11/2021 - 12:57
Biocultural Heritages
The botanical diversity of the Amazon is a result of the centuries-old interactions between indigenous communities and local nature
Postado em 13/09/2021 - 12:22
Eduardo Neves and Jennifer Watling: An archeology of the tropics
Researchers from the MAE (USP) talk about the Amazon rainforest as an anthropogenic construction at the Editorial Residency.
Postado em 05/08/2021 - 17:56