Postado em 26/07/2012 - 7:54
Perdemos Franz West
Juliana Monachesi

Escultor austríaco morre aos 62 anos


Na Bienal de Veneza do ano passado, sua participação foi desconcertante, de tão boa. Ele levou a cozinha de seu ateliê em Viena, onde mantinha uma coleção de obras de amigos e artistas admirados em exposição permanente, para o Arselane, onde a cozinha e todo o seu conteúdo foi remontada, só que do “avesso”. Era o melhor trabalho de toda a 54a Bienal. Havia outra obra dele no Giardino delle Vergini, daquelas esculturas feitas de alumínio laqueado cor-de-rosa, intitulada Eidos (2009). Era um presente para os olhos de quem caminhava debaixo de sol pelo percurso externo do Arsenale na última edição da mostra – que, não por acaso, premiou o artista com o Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement (Leão de Ouro pelo conjunto da obra). Na cerimônia de entrega do prêmio, ele compareceu já bastante abatido pela doença no fígado que ocasionou sua morte, na noite de ontem, em Viena.

No site da galeria que o representa, a Gagosian, a página de entrada para o conteúdo sobre o artista traz o seguinte depoimento: “It is with tremendous sadness that the Franz West Foundation, Gagosian Gallery, Galerie Meyer Kainer and Galerie Eva Presenhuber announce the death of Franz West, which occurred last night. He died peacefully in Vienna, Austria after a long illness. Franz West was one of the most innovative and progressive artists of his generation, who charmed, influenced and inspired his contemporaries, students and followers and all those who encountered him. His sculptural sensibilty culminated in the physical engagement of the onlooker with his sculpture making him become part of the work. He has shown in museums, galleries worldwide as well as repeatedly at documenta in Kassel, the Venice and other Biennales. In 2011 he was awarded the Golden Lion at the Biennale di Venezia in recognition for his life’s work.

Despite his international fame, his humour, generosity and quiet energy never left him. He managed his recent illness with great fortitude and was thinking of projects and working on exhibitions, sculptures and catalogues until a few days ago. The world has lost a great artist who changed the way people looked at art and themselves. His great sense of originality and his generosity with other artists, writers and musicians will be missed by us all. Our thoughts are with his family, colleagues and friends on this very sad day.”
